Artist, Inventor, Designer, Photographer, Fashion Connoisseur...Is there anything this woman cannot do?  Check out her latest ode to GREEN shot exclusively for the Voyeur!!


“Drink Well, Do Good” How can you help South Africa by drinking wine?  VSGal delves into one of her favorite passions as we learn about a non-profit organization that makes giving, FUN!

Always check here for article updates, events and what's going on    
at The Voyeur of Fashion, Art & Politics!

INTHENEWS It is always quite amazing every time I complete an issue of The Voyeur, though, it never quite feels complete.  Due to lack of time something always gets cut or set aside for a future issue, but nothing is ever forgotten.  Regardless of what may or may not make it in, it is also always amazing to see the group effort made to bring forth a great magazine.

It has been a long and hard road these past five years but I, Dreama, am finally going to get my Bachelor of Fine Arts in the fall.  It seems so unreal that I keep waiting for the usual obstacles to ruin it all.  I dream of the days I can again give my full attention to the magazine and really blow you all away with some extra amazing issues! 

For those who have not been following our news, the upcoming movie is set to be screened at Studio 35 on July 17, 2010.  This causes me to slightly hyperventilate because I am not yet finished.  But as with most things in my life, it will probably be a struggle to the finish, but I will finish.  I really can't wait, not only will it be a crazy accomplishment to see one of my stories actually completed but it will finally get Joel out of my hair...for a couple of months anyway...

DONATIONS!  We are desperate for money!  This magazine has always been non-profit and totally for fun and the joy of making art and exposing the talents of you, our readers!  We have absolutely refused from the very beginning to generate funds by using pop up ads and banners.  In order to keep things going on a regular basis and up to date, it would be great to have a little cash flow.  We have been working hard at coming up with ideas for income but donations are always welcome!  Anything will help, so let us know what you got!  We are currently coming up with a list of items needed, get it, it doesn't even have to be money!  It could be as simple as telling us where to go to get hot calendars made of our models...oh yeah!!  If you are interested in helping out drop us a line at

Join our mailing list!  Your address will never be sold or distributed to other mailings lists...I can't even say I would know how to do that!  We would LOVE to hear your feedback.  Have any ideas for us?  Let us know!






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